What do you really want?
If you've arrived at this page, you already know that the unpredictable vicissitudes and circumstances of life—the perpetual cycle of excitement and disappointment, gain and loss, success and failure—can't bring you the deeper contentment and fulfillment you seek.
But the awakening power of awareness has the potential to provide you with lasting peace of mind and heart, and a happiness that can't be shaken by the ups and downs of life. Whether you’re new to the spiritual search or a seasoned seeker, this website offers a wealth of opportunities and resources to guide you on your journey.
If you’re motivated to explore the emotional and psychological issues that cause you suffering, obscure your true nature, and close your heart, I offer heart-centered, awareness-based counseling that draws on my many years of experience as a psychotherapist and on the nondual spiritual principles and insights I teach.
If you’d like a taste of the teachings and practices I offer, you can begin by watching some of the free satsangs, podcasts, and interviews on my video page, then follow up by reading one of my books or engaging in one of my recorded retreats.
If you feel ready to dive even deeper and seek your own answers to the perennial questions of life and death—What is the nature of reality? Who am I really?—I offer individual spiritual mentoring, classes, groups, retreats, and the annual School for Awakening, all designed to guide you in exploring these questions directly for yourself and finding answers that resolve your doubts and confusion once and for all.
Despite what some traditions may say, you can wake up right now to your timeless, boundariless spiritual nature, the source of all abiding peace, happiness, and love. May the resources I offer here be of benefit. Many blessings on your journey!
Who are you really?
Awaken right now to your essential spiritual nature
Happiness is your natural state, your birthright as a human being, and you can reclaim it right now without elaborate practices or disciplines. In my books, classes, webinars, and the School for Awakening, I offer wise guidance in waking up from separation and suffering and discovering your essential spiritual nature, the source of all lasting happiness, peace, and love.
Receive compassionate guidance on your journey
In the process of living from your truth in the world of relationships and work, the support of a seasoned teacher and counselor can be an invaluable resource. As a licensed psychotherapist for many years and a teacher of spiritual awakening, I offer individual counseling and mentoring sessions that guide you in welcoming your thoughts and feelings, releasing the core stories and reactive patterns that cause you suffering, and connecting with your deepest inner wisdom.
Books, videos, and other resources
From the comprehensive guidebook Meditation for Dummies (first published in 1999) to Wake Up Now, a roadmap for the journey of awakening, through Beyond Mindfulness, a critique of progressive approaches to spiritual practice—my books all point toward a more intimate and direct approach to realizing your essential spiritual nature while taking compassionate care of this tender human form. The video page includes free interviews and satsangs as well as an intro course in spiritual awakening.