
Have you been looking for an opportunity to immerse yourself in the nondual wisdom teachings? An invitation to focus your attention for an extended period of time on your essential spiritual nature? 

Next September I will once again be offering the School for Awakening, an eight-month intensive program of teachings, self-inquiry, guided meditations, and in-depth exploration in the “direct approach” that enables you to work closely with a seasoned teacher in the company of a dedicated group of kindred spirits.

The purpose of the School is to guide you to: 

  • Discover, recognize, and abide in your “natural state” of nondual presence, the radiant source of all fulfillment, happiness, peace, and love

  • Learn how to integrate, express, and embody this awakening in everyday life

If you've read the books, watched the YouTube videos, and attended an occasional satsang, class, or retreat but now want a "deep dive" into your true nature, the School for Awakening may be perfect for you.


This comprehensive program is based on more than 40 years of practice and realization in the nondual wisdom traditions of Zen, Advaita Vedanta, and Tibetan Dzogchen-Mahamudra. In 2001 I received Dharma transmission (authorization to teach) from Adyashanti, and I’ve been offering the School every year since 2007.

Over the centuries, if you wanted to study Zen, Dzogchen, or Advaita Vedanta, you sought out a teacher and joined a dedicated group of disciples or worked individually face to face to realize the truth under their guidance. 

I had the immense good fortune to be able to study in this way with a number of extraordinary teachers, including Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, Jean Klein, and Adyashanti, and I'm pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to others. It’s a contemporary layperson’s version of the ango (practice period) in Zen monasteries or the rainy season retreat in Southeast Asia.

The program features: 

  • Online awakening classes 

  • Downloadable teachings and guided meditations

  • Dyad sessions and individual inquiry and contemplation between classes

  • Regular homework assignments

  • Downloadable recordings of every class

  • Three half-day online mini retreats


Each class session includes: 

  • Guided and silent meditations

  • Profound nondual wisdom teachings

  • Direct pointers to our essential spiritual nature

  • Self-inquiry exercises for connecting with your inherent wakefulness

  • Breakout rooms for smaller group connection

  • Ample time for sharing, Q&A, dialogue, and discussion

The online class format enables class members to connect with one another, share their journey and the wisdom they've gleaned, and create awakening community together.

In my experience, there are as many different forms and flavors of awakening as there are seekers, and retreats and classes that cater to many hundreds of people fail to offer the customized, individual attention and guidance that are traditionally considered most effective in facilitating the awakening and embodiment process.

Classes are scheduled for 8-11 am US Pacific Time (11 am- 2pm Eastern Time/4-7 pm UK) one Wednesday a month for eight months, which allows us to welcome participants from around the world. Each session is recorded and made available for download within a couple of days to make it easier to maintain continuity if you need to miss classes occasionally.

Tuition is $995 if paid before June 30, and $1175 thereafter.

Each class will invite you to wake up right now, drop your habitual identities, experience your true nature directly for yourself, and come to rest in awakened awareness.

Topics we’ll be exploring include:

Connecting with your inherent love and compassion

Welcoming reality just as it is

Integrating absolute and relative dimensions of truth

Shifting the fundamental locus of your identity

Recognizing and moving through the stages of awakening

Recognizing and avoiding spiritual bypassing

Post-awakening pitfalls and dead-ends

Working with challenging emotions, mind-states, and core beliefs

Creating awakened relationships

Embodying the truth in everyday life

Benefiting others through the quality of your presence

The importance of beginner’s mind

Clarifying your intention and motivation

Orienting to the “direct approach” to truth

Getting to know the dream you inhabit

Releasing the grip of ego

Seeing through the bubble of the separate self

Practicing effortless “nondual” mindfulness

Facilitating your awakening through guided meditation, contemplation, self-inquiry

Discovering your own unique path

Being authentic at every level

Awakening the heart


Monthly classes will meet on the following dates in 2025-2026:

September 17
October 15
November 12
December 10
January 14
February 11
March 11
April 8

With mini-retreats of a half-day on October 25 and two half-days on March 21-22

If you have any questions that this page doesn’t answer, don’t hesitate to be in touch!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • As with most involvements, the more time you spend, the more you’ll benefit. The basic requirement is approximately seven or eight hours per month (in addition to the three-hour class): two or three to read and listen to teachings; another hour or two of guided meditations; and four hours for meeting with your dyad partner for a minimum of two times per month. The dyads are particularly important and form an essential component of the program that enables you to digest and assimilate the teachings and practices with the intimate support of another participant. You’ll also be encouraged to maintain a regular meditation practice of some kind.

  • Every session will be recorded, and the recordings will be available within a couple of days. This means that if you need to miss occasionally you can easily keep up. Some people have even participated in the School but been unable to attend in person because they lived in time zones that made attendance difficult if not impossible, like China, Australia, and New Zealand.

  • Yes. In fact, the School is perfect for those who have begun to awaken and want to deepen and clarify their awakening and learn to embody it in everyday life.

  • Many people come to the School after years of meditation experience in another tradition, like vipassana or TM. They’ve discovered the limitations of the progressive approach and seek teachings and practices that point directly to their inherent wakefulness beyond the mind. But neither previous practice nor familiarity with nondual teachings is required, you just have to be motivated to wake up out of the dream of separation and realize your true nature directly for yourself.

  • You will be assigned (or can choose) a dyad partner you’ll meet with online between classes to practice guided meditations and self-inquiry, share your insights and experiences, and explore the teachings together. Many participants have found that the support they received in their dyad relationship enriched their experience immeasurably and helped facilitate the awakening process. When you enroll in the School, you are implicitly agreeing to meet at least twice with your dyad partner between classes for at least two hours each time to support one another on your journey.


Embodying the Light



Before June 30: If you would like to enroll and secure your place in the School for Awakening, please pay through Paypal by following the button below.

After June 30: Please use the other button for payment. If you have any questions about whether the School is right for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Once you’ve submitted payment, please send me an email with your full name, location/time zone, email address, and a brief description of your spiritual journey to date, including any practices you do or have done and teachings you have studied.

I look forward to welcoming you to the School for Awakening this fall!


What students say about the School

The School for Awakening was a positive, affirming, and validating  experience.  Stephan was not too tight, not too loose: clear and simple, did not complicate the teaching, and brought it into the flow of all experience. I especially enjoyed the meditations of  opening into the stillness and spaciousness as a non-effort, a non-striving. Ahhh…… thank you!  
— Susan W., Michigan
Stephan  skillfully challenges and points out the assumptions of our limited, assumed small self into what we are, that which is aware, that which contains.  Grounded in his  extensive background in Zen and psychotherapy Stephan acknowledges the potential pitfalls of spiritual bypassing and our shared humanity while at the same time pointing to the Mystery, and, yes, the Love that is innate in such recognition. Stephan's guided meditations powerfully bring one out of the mind into the Limitless, He provides a safe container to explore questions, and ,can bring clarity to confusion that naturally come from a journey such as this. I highly recommend anyone that is searching to enroll in this “university.”
— Joseph B., Arizona
I really enjoyed Stephan Bodian’s  School for Awakening, and I would  truly recommend it to any open-minded seeker. The variety of the course, with meditations, wonderful teachings, group exchange, and the personal dialogues with Stephan, felt so helpful and enriching. Stephan  conducts the class in a very gentle, intuitive, and experienced way, making everyone feel at ease. Sharing his knowledge, teachings and pearls of wisdom with us throughout the course’ based on  all the years of his personal experience, was a great blessing to receive. I believe, if one is truly open minded, one can receive so much more from this course than words can ever express. If you just allow it to happen, your heart may open, and you can get in touch with the true nature of your being. A very precious and unique opportunity.
— Nika D., Germany
I participated in the School of Awakening, and it was a great experience.  Stephan has a gentle way of presenting and probing which has a built in invitation to look deeper.  His handling of people was warm and supportive.  I would recommend this for anyone who is looking into the depth of who you are.  
— Lou W., Michigan
Through the School for Awakening, Stephan Bodian provided valuable pointers, meditation practices, questions for inquiry, and various non-dual teachings that helped to shift my perspective in a number of ways. With the size of the class being relatively small, I felt comfortable asking questions and sharing experiences. Overall, I feel that the School has contributed to the groundwork for awakening to unfold in its own time as I continue to absorb and practice these and other non-dual teachings.  
— Elle K., Oregon
If you want to awaken or deepen your awakening, and live from this place in everyday life, then this is the school for you. Stephan is a true master teacher and you will find this course to be rich as well as practical.  
— Maria F., Pennsylvania
Stephan Bodian’s five-month online course, School for Awakening, is a pure treasure.  For anyone wanting a clear understanding of the nondual traditions of Advaita, Zen, and Dzogchen, Stephan’s explanations are invaluable.  More importantly, the School for Awakening includes many opportunities for glimpses of our true nature, as well as the vital necessity for ongoing embodiment.  All this is accomplished through luminous “pointing out” words, guided meditations, inspirational quotes, interactions with classmates, and individual phone consultations with Stephan.  I can’t speak too highly of what Stephan has put together in the School for Awakening and, of course, of Stephan himself, whose words invariably come with the backing of his own deep experience.
— Al Z., California
I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in Stephan’s online course this year. Stephan embodies profound wisdom and compassion, always pointing to our ground of being and the non-dual nature of experience. As a teacher Stephan offers intelligent, gentle, yet radical guiding, which allows for the unveiling of many hidden doorways on the spiritual path. The format of the course allows for plenty of guided meditation time, teaching, Q&A, spiritual inquiry, and participants’ sharing.
Many thanks Stephan!  
— Bogdan B., New York
I found the School for Awakening very helpful. With ease, humor, and expertise drawn from a lifetime’s immersion in the inner work, Stephan provides depthful, emotionally resonant, authoritative, and practical guidance that is completely respectful of everybody’s unique process. Over the course of the classes, the great diversity of this uniqueness is on display amongst all the participants, many of whom have themselves spent a lifetime steeping in this vast realm of spirituality. Attending the School, I found myself feeling ushered, guided, and encouraged, as if by an unseen hand, and greatly helped by the individual attention given by Stephan as a part of the curriculum.  
— Glenn F., California
I just completed Stephan’s School of Awakening. I am grateful for and humbled by the experience. He wove a tapestry of meaning that helped unravel some of my knots/nots and helped me to glimpse I vs. me. The sangha provided pointers and companionship, and my dyadic partner has been a gem. Stephan’s School has brought more clarity to what has been an oft shrouded journey to self-awareness moving toward Awake Awareness. I highly recommend this School of Awakening to fellow travelers.  
— Stephen S., California
The School is a true gem and an honor to be a part of. Stephan brings to each session great warmth, humor, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to truth. It was truly inspiring to witness the palpable growth in each of us as we came together with a shared intention. Each group meeting, and certainly each of the dyad meetings, was a fertile and intimate ground for genuine questioning and self-reflection. I am quite amazed and deeply grateful that, through this ‘remote’ format of teaching and learning, it is still possible to dive so deeply into the living stream of being.
— Louise M., Taiwan