We spend our lives in search of happiness—through relationships, family, career, material possessions, diversions and entertainments, even spiritual practices. But in the process we overlook the happiness that is our birthright, our natural condition, always available in even the most difficult moments if we would only let go of our effort and turn our attention back upon itself.
Even when we’ve heard this truth countless times, we may be so addicted to the search that we keep forgetting and falling back into habitual seeking mode.
The first step in waking up out of this perpetual trance is to genuinely recognize the inherent happiness that lies at the heart of every moment and every experience. When self and other, subject and object, drop away in the simplicity of the luminous Now, happiness reveals itself as a natural expression of the undivided, our true nature, the one without a second, awakened awareness.
Designed to direct your attention back to your innate happiness, this free online satsang will feature powerful pointers, guided meditations, and ample time for dialogue and discussion.
Times: 9:00-10:30 am PDT/17:00-18:30 UK/18:00-19:30 CET
To register, click here.