Whether through chronic or life-threatening illness, personal loss, financial difficulty, or global or political uncertainty, life has a way of challenging us to discover and draw upon an ever-deeper, more unshakable ground of happiness and peace. But how and where do we find such a ground?
According to the nondual spiritual traditions of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, the only reliable source of fulfillment lies inside you, in your own heart and spirit. Only by realizing your true self, your natural state of awakened awareness, can you find refuge from the tempestuous roller-coaster ride of life.
Fortunately, you don't need to practice for lifetimes to have a direct experience of true self--it's always already available to you if you just turn your attention inward and recognize it for yourself. In this weekend retreat, you will receive powerful teachings and pointers as well as guided meditations that invite you to awaken right now to your timeless spiritual nature, beyond the mind.
This retreat is nonresidential and takes place at the Caritas Healing Center in Tucson. The cost is $150. To register, click here.