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Free Online Satsang: Falling in Love with Our Divine Imperfection

“In the world to come, God will not ask me, why were you not Moses? He’ll ask me, why were you not Zusya?”  —Hasidic master Reb Zusya of Hanipol

Not surprisingly in our goal-oriented, self-improvement culture, many seekers turn the journey of awakening into the pursuit of spiritual perfection. When I’m really awake, they believe, I’ll be just like Ramana, Nisargadatta, or some other saint or sage, free from human foibles. But spiritual awakening actually has quite the opposite effect: after years of struggling to be perfect, our hearts break open to the beauty and inherent pefection of our precious, messy humanness. In this satsang, we’ll explore the divine invitation to love ourselves just as we are. (All times are US PT.) To register, click here.