What do you really want?
If you've arrived at this website, you already know that the unpredictable circumstances of life—the perpetual cycle of excitement and disappointment, gain and loss, success and failure—can't bring you the deeper contentment and fulfillment you seek. But the awakening power of awareness has the potential to provide you with lasting peace of mind and heart, and a happiness that can't be shaken by the endless ups and downs. Whether you’re new to the spiritual search or a seasoned seeker, this website provides a wealth of opportunities and resources to guide you on your journey.
Please check out the books, videos, online events, mentoring, and the School for Awakening that I offer and join or make use of what resonates for you. Your journey is unique, and only you can know what will work best for you. With the guidance of the direct approach, you don’t have to wait lifetimes or practice for decades—you can wake up right now to your timeless, boundariless spiritual nature, the source of all abiding peace, happiness, and love. May the resources I offer here be of benefit. Many blessings on your journey!
Who are you really?
Awaken right now to your essential spiritual nature
Happiness is your natural state, your birthright as a human being, and you can reclaim it right now without elaborate practices or disciplines. Here are some of the resources and opportunities offered on this website.
Read my books: My books Wake Up Now and Beyond Mindfulness provide a comprehensive conceptual framework for understanding the journey of awakening. Each book includes direct pointers to your nondual spiritual nature, guided meditations and self-inquiry exercises, and answers to frequently asked questions. An excellent source of basic guidance and an opportunity to experience my approach.
Take my live classes, webinars, and retreats: If you’re ready to discover how to awaken from the illusion of separation and embody this awakening in everyday life, I offer intimate gatherings that combine powerful pointing-out instructions, teachings, guided meditations, and ample time for dialogue and discussion. With the insights and guidance these meetings provide, you have the opportunity in any moment to "wake up now" to the truth of your being.
Enroll in the School for Awakening: This multi-month total immersion in nondual wisdom teachings and practices invites you to focus your attention for an extended period of time on your essential spiritual nature. The purpose is to guide you to discover, recognize, and abide in your “natural state” of inherent wakefulness, the radiant source of all fulfillment, happiness, peace, and love, and to learn how to integrate, express, and embody this awakening in everyday life.
Enjoy recorded teachings and events: On the Teachings page you can enjoy interviews and conversations and watch free videos of recent webinars and satsangs featuring extended guided meditations, teachings and pointers, and evocative dialogue and Q&A. The selection is updated regularly and supplemented with video courses available for purchase on various topics.
Practice guided meditations: The free meditations I offer introduce you to the power of awareness and self-inquiry to reveal your natural state of inherent wakefulness. Discover how to rest in awareness and allow your experience to be just the way it is; expand your awareness beyond the body; work with challenging emotions and mind-states; and open to a deeper dimension of being beyond the mind. (For a deeper dive into nondual meditation, you can purchase the video course Meditation without a Meditator on the Teachings page.)
Receive individual guidance on your journey: If you’re motivated to explore the emotional and psychological issues that cause you suffering, obscure your true nature, and close your heart, I offer heart-centered, awareness-based counseling that draws on my many years of experience as a psychotherapist and on the nondual spiritual principles and insights I teach.